«上一篇: 花都海运花都进出口下一篇:美国的国际海运 »


Export service
The company has contract rate with all the renowned international airlines and has establishe d global network of air route and agent service. We have many appointed warehouses in Shanghai Pudong International Airport, providing service of storage and securing enough air space for the cargos. In addition, we have progessional and experienced staff who can figure out a safe, rapid and economical route for you in the shortest time, offering excellent and high-efficient service for you. Import service
With warehouse under the supervision of the customs, perfect network of air transportation and connection with customs insp- -ection system, we have much advantage in providing the clients safe and rapid service such as customs clearance, supervision, inspection declaration, transportation and distribution, meeting with different needs of the clients.转载请注明出处:散货拼箱



  • 1、中东非洲散货海运
  • 2、美国加拿大东南亚日韩海运拼箱
  • 3、广州起步出口到欧洲各国
  • 4、代理FOB CIF散货海运
  • 5、代客收货款等一条龙散货海运
  • 6、中南美加勒比拼柜
  • 7、可交珠三角任何一仓库

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